Best Carbohydrate Blockers Review

Carb Blockers Review

Preventing the absorption of some of the carbohydrates we consume (carb blocking) is absolutely essential for those wanting to get rid of excess body fat

Carbohydrates are vital to out diet but are very regular contributors in the modern western diet and so some of the excess body fat you may have in certain areas can be attributed to the consumption of too many carb rich foods.

Carbohydrates (carbs) provide the fuel (energy) source for us to remain active and come in many differing foods that are eaten by us. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex.

Common examples of high carb content foods are pasta , bread, pancakes, corn, root crops like potatoes, vegetables fruit juices and most packaged cereals.

Carbohydrates that are taken on by the body are broken down into smaller sugar structures, called glucose and absorbed.

When food is converted into glucose, it enters your bloodstream as the immediate source of energy (fuel) or is kept in the liver and muscles as glycogen for storage when you may need energy at a later date. The excess is converted into fat.

Preventing this potential additional source of excess fat can be stopped by using a   Carb Blocker

The following are the three top Carb Blockers available to Uk Consumers.


Meratol is one of the newer carb blockers to enter the market place. Meratol is designed to reduce glycemic and insulinemic indexes of meals regularly consumed.

Meratol is responsible for stopping the digestion of 82% of unnecessary carbohydrates, it can also prevent the feelings of hunger and reduce daily calorie consumption by just under a third.

Meratol is available to buy without prescription and can be used in conjunction without diet products

More about Meratol


Decarb has been created by one of the most respected pharmaceutical companies in Europe.

It has numerous success stories attached to it – recently Gail Porter gave a glowing testimonial.

Decarb is responsible for stopping over 66% of carbohydrate absorption

More about DeCarb


Dietrine is one of only a handful of non prescription slimming pills that has some clinical research and scientific study attached to it.

There are no less than 7 clinical studies carried out on the brand both for effect and safety.

Dietrine contains Phase2 and can reduce carb absorption by 66%

More about Dietrine


LipoSeduction 2250 Carb Blocker

LipoSeduction Carb Blocking Slimming Pills

Carb Blocker LipoSeductionLipoSeduction is another slimming pill that hails from a rather dubious yard – the same people that brought us Orovo, Orovo Detox and Lipovox are now touting their latest slimming aid, LipoSeduction.

The opening statement of Lose Weight 15 lbs in one month or your money back could prove quite costly to the company if the guarantee is honoured.

LipoSeduction 2250 is a carb blocker or carbohydrate blocking diet pill that comprises of 3 main ingredients all of equal quantity. The 2250 equates to 2250mg of active ingredients.

It is suggested on the official website that you’ll be fuller faster and your need for food will be greatly decreased – A large part of your carb intake will blocked from entering your system.

The formula itself is billed as unique.

Ingredients Of LipoSeduction 2250

  • Chitosan – A shellfish and crustacean based carb blocking ingredient
  • White Kidney Bean – or Phaseolus Vulgaris, good for absorption of fat
  • Glucomannan – a natural fibre source

The ingredient Chitosan is a bit of a worry as no much clinical data or medical evidence exists that it is effective or does not cause any long term side effects.

LipoSeduction Side Effects

Apart from the Chitosan relationship – the two remaining substances are not likely to cause any treatment effects.

LipoSeduction 2250 Does It Work

Any slimming pill that starts its introduction with a guarantee of a set amount of weight loss in a specific time frame are usually playing on the emotions. The connection it has with Orovo and Lipovox is real minus point.

Carb Blocking can be effective if your daily diet is very much carbohydrate based; Rice, potatoes, pasta, bread etc…

Where To Buy LipoSeduction

Can be purchased on many American focused weight loss websites and even on eBay. It is highly advised not purchased health products products as many private individuals can purchase in bulk and sell via their private account.

Alternative Carb Blockers

Dietrine Carb BlockerA better alternative is Dietrine – a more potent compound with a reputable company behind.

Dietrine is completely herbal based and does not cause any harmful side effects

Read About Dietrine Here

Dietrine Slimming Pills

Dietrine Slimming Pills – Carb Blocker

Dietrine Carb BlockerThe official website of Dietrine delivers an opening  message Weight Loss and Block FatNo Need For Starvation Diets.

This type of message  is being used more and more often by makers of slimming pills – only few can use this phrase and back up the claim with an efficient diet product.

Dietrine does deliver.

Dietrine Carb Blocker Explained

A majority of carb blockers contain Phase 2 – Dietrine is no different. Dietrine is part of the carb blocking genre of diet pills – not to be confused with fat blocker or fat binder.

How Does Dietrine Carb Blocker Work

Our body consume carbohydrates or starchy foods on a regular basis the carbohydrates are foodstuffs such as; potatoes, rice, pasta, cereal and bread. More about Dietrine here

Our digestive process converts the aforementioned foods into sugar. Our body will break down and reduce the carbohydrate and starchy foods  with alpha amylase, an enzyme that is produced in our pancreas.

This newly created and introduced sugar is can be burned away by physical exercise or stored in the fat cells of our body for use in the future. Lack of exercise on our part can lead to an accumulation or build up of fat cells which will result is our body gaining mass or weight.

Dietrine and in particular the Phase 2 nutrient helps to neutralize the digestive enzyme alpha amylase before can effect and convert the carbohydrate molecule into sugar (glucose.)

Carbohydrates and starchy foods are an essential part of a healthy day to day  diet and so we do not want to remove it entirely. Dietrine Phase 2 allows just enough to penetrate into our system.

Any Side Effects Cuased By Dietrine

A completely herbal based and natural substance without any known side effects to date. Dietrine does not contain Ma Huang, Ephedra or Ephedrine.

Does Dietrine Work

As far a carb blocking is concerned Deitrine delivers on its promise. Dietrine will reduce fat storage and also stops the craving for foodstuffs that are high in starch and and carbohydrates. Dietrine can also maximize insulin function. Dietrine has been researched and undergone medical and clinical trials.

Should I Buy Dietrine?

If you have diet that is based largely around starchy foods then certainly consider introducing into your daily weight loss plan.

Visit The Dietrine Website Here.

Looking Elsewhere – Other Slimming Pills

The carb blocker that is by far the most popular in the UK market is Meratol.

Meratol can stop the absorption of around 80% of the carbohydrates that you consume.

Meratol can also reduce your cravings for sugary foodstuffs and cut your appetite.

More about Meratol

