Detox Plus Colon Cleanser

Detox Plus For Cleanse, Detox And Weight Loss

If you have made several unsuccessful attempts to diet over the months or years and despite following the directive of any given weight loss plan you still struggle to shift excess body weight and have a protruding stomach it may time to think about what could be the cause.

It is estimated that approximately 60% of adults complain of feeling bloated, tired and lacking in energy and many have a protruding stomach that appears to out of proportion with the rest of their body.

In a majority of cases it is not a case of what they eat but what they fail to expel from their system

A toxic colon is quite easy to acquire – the average human being has around 6 feet of coiled up tubing (the intestines) that can easily get clogged up with undigested and unexpelled fecal (poo) matter.

It is suggested that on average the average adult 25 and above can have anywhere between 4 to 10 lbs of undigested waste fecal matter stuck in and around their small intestines that lay there slowly rotting, poisoning you from within.

Detox Plus is revolutionary home user answer to cleansing the colon, removing harmful toxins from your body whilst helping to ease the discomfort of bloating and constipation.

It has been specially produced to provide an intensive digestive and cellular cleanse of the intestines, colon and liver over a period of just 30 days.

Detox Plus has been created using completely naturally found ingredients.

The unique blend is ideal for both sexes of all ages looking to begin a diet or for those needing to detoxify the body allowing the ability to regain a health from within, energy and alertness.

Suitable for vegetarians, the Detox Plus Colon Cleansing System provides a 1 month, 90 capsule supply and is best taken continuously for the full 30 day period (2 x 15 day stages) for best results.

During this period the natural ingredients help to remove waste matter stored in the colon – waste that often causes bloating and abdominal discomfort.

Buy Detox Plus

Detox Plus is available to buy from authorised online retailer Evo Slimming.

You can buy it for as little as £19.95 for one month supply.

Multi pack bottles are available as well as combo packs incorporating an Acai Berry supplement for optimum effect.

Buy Detox Plus


Colon Cleansing And Detox

Colon Health and Colon Cleansing

Colon cleansing and colon healthOne the biggest issues facing adults in the western world is colon health.

In our battle to beat the bulge we sometimes overlook what could be the biggest contributing factor to why are gaining weight and becoming obese.

In may not be due to the food we are consuming but due to the waste matter we are not ridding from our digestive system.

Bad colon health or lack of colon maintenance can lead to many other health issues and not just weight related.

Not that discussing such matters is pleasant but an interesting fact to note is that at least half the adult population in the UK, Europe and USA do not produce a regular bowel movement.

Many do not produce a daily “poo” – many even as irregular as once a week. This fecal matter lies rotting in your digestive system and fragments can get stuck or lodged in the crevasses and folds of your colon.

Your Colon

The Human ColonThe average persons colon is around 7 feet long and twisted and un-uniform.

It is not unlike a twisted coil with pits, crevasses and folds running the entire length.

The job of the colon is to move the waste fecal matter from the food that your stomach has produced and rid it from your system as quickly as possible.

Why Colon Cleansing Is Important

Regular maintenance of your colon is vital for optimum health.  Surprisingly few people look after their colon as they should.

“Your colon could contain several months of undigested waste stuck around the tiny cravasses of your small intestines…without proper care and maintenance you could be poisoning yourself from within”

Lack of colon care could lead to these health issues.

  • Weight Gain and bloating
  • Digestive disorders and IBS
  • Constipation
  • Skin problems, acne and rashes
  • Allergies
  • Body Odour and bad breathe
  • Heartburn
  • Hemorrhoids

Parasitic infestation of the digestive system is often associated with bad colon health.

How To Cleanse You Colon

The most commonly know form of colon cleansing and detox is via colonic irrigation. Colonic irrigation is evasive, costly and can rob your body of not only the harmful bacteria but also the good.

The “good” bacteria is essential for digestive health.

Natural Colon Cleansing

One of the better natural colon cleansing products is Detox Plus

Detox Plus is an oraly taken solution that can rid your body of toxins and fecal debris.

It is produced by one of the UK’s premier health and wellness specialists Evolution Slimming

More about Detox Plus

