Slim And Sexy Pill Review
The Slimnsexy Slimming pill is much touted as a winning formula. A slimming pill that not only helps you lose weight but … boosts your libido and makes you feel sexy.
So weight loss and an improved sex life thrown in for good measure.
The problem with most of the multi purpose slimming pills is that they do tend to overhype the product and over emphasize the fact that your life will be improved on many fronts.
The Slimnsexy slimming pill is no exception – it is claimed as a breakthrough pill. The use of Yerba Mate, Damiana and Guarana is hardly new, inspiring or a breakthrough.
The Slim N Sexy Slimming Pill has featured in the press quite recently – detailing how one womans life has been transformed by this wonder pill.
The womans husband threatened to leave and sue the manufacturers due to his wifes’ constant craving for action in the bedroom.
The advertising people responsible have done a remarkable job. The Slimnsexy Pill is currently one of the most searched for slimming pills on both sides of the Atlantic.
Does The Slim N Sexy Slimming Pill Work
If you believe the marketing hype then this is a must have tonic. The clinical tests look slightly contrived and not totally convincing.
Should I Buy The Slim’n’Sexy Slimming Pill
Be very careful when contemplating trying one of the all in one wonder pills – like so many of these supposed multi purpose diet pills it is quite easy to fall into the placebo trap. Don’t buy into the hype.
Alternative Slimming Pills
Capsiplex is a fat burner that has used the media very well. Unlike the Slim N Sexy pill, Capsiplex has some pretty convincing clinical evidence to back up its claims. It also includes an ingredient usually reserved for the NHS.
Capsiplex has some high profile celebrities among its user base (Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lopez and Nicola McLean to name but a few) and boasts some incredible sales records.
More about Capsiplex