Snooki Slims with Zantrex

Another star of US reality TV series Jersey Shore has been flaunting their new slimmer figure in front of the media – tiny and strangely orange Snooki has lost 15lbs after initially revealing that a new healthy diet plan and a strict exercise regime was responsible.

It later transpired (admitted by Snooki on her Twitter account) that she used a combination of US fat burner Zantrex and the hormone HCG.

This revelation is hot on heel of another member of the Jersey shore cast, Jwoww who employed the use another American slimming pill, Ab Cuts to attain a new slender physique.

Zantrex is the controversial fat burner that is said to be able to help you lose 546% more weight than its closest rival – but is also said to be responsible for one or two quite worrying side effects such as palpitations, anxiety, cold sweats, nausea, diarrhea, increased heart rate and irritability.

Zantrex is focused towards an American consumer – it is unlikely that you will be able to buy Zantrex from the likes of Boots, Superdrug or Holland and Barrett.

If you want to buy Zantrex and living in the Uk you may need to look overseas to make a purchase.

Here in the UK we have had our own fair share of celebrity weight loss stories with former Emmerdale soap star Roxanne Pallett makinh the headlines in the summer after trimming down while using UK produced Capsiplex.

Capsiplex is also a fat burner but unlike Zantrex does not pose the same issues with regard to side effects.

Capsiplex is the so called Chili Slimming Pill that can help you burn the same amount of calories as you would cycling for 40 minutes or jogging for 20.

Recently Roxanne went behind the camera to tell her weight loss story

Roxanne Pallett’s Weight Loss Story
