Lean Xtreme Slimming Pills

Lean Xtreme Fat Burner Review

Lean Xtreme Fat BurnerLean Xtreme is not a traditional slimming pill and geared towards the body-builder rather than the dieter.

The formula contains fat burning ingredients that are supposed to combat Cortisol, the stress hormone that allegedly causes weight gain and muscle loss.

The formual contians the following ingredients.

  • Coleus Forskohlii
  • 7-OH (7-Hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone)
  • Green Tea

The company behind the product, Designer Supplements – suggest that the balance of each individual ingredient is formulated correctly.

Expert opinion appears to differ with (for example) nowhere near enough green tea extract to create the desired fat burning effect.

Does Lean Xtreme Cause Side Effects

Some user may experience the usual side effects caused by a majority of fat burners such as restlessness, insomnia or a jittery feeling.

Some user may also experience slight joint or muscle pain.

Does Lean Xtreme Work

User testimonials, especially from the body-building fraternity have a rather mixed opinion – one the whole Lean Xtreme is hard to recommend.

Alternative Products

Phen375 can be purchased in the UK and Ireland.

Phe375 is a potent fat burner and appetite suppressant combination. It is made in FDA approved facilities, something that very few non prescription slimming pills can boast.

It has been created using pharmacy grade ingredients with the purpose of providing the user with fast, effective, safe and sustained weight loss.

Devoid of any gimmicks, Phen375 is a highly recommended slimming product.

Read more about Phen375


Water Slimming Pills

Water Pills For Water Retention

Water Pill for water retentionA commonly sought slimming pill is the Water Pill

Water pills are aimed at getting rid of excess water (water retention) buy flushing the system using a diuretic.

Diuretcis are used by people seeking to lose weight quickly – but on almost all occasions they are prone to both putting the weight straight back on again and not as harmless as they may first seem.

The water pill sounds quite harmless – but weight loss is not what diurectics are intended for first and foremost.

What Are Water Pills For

The primary intended use has little to do with weight loss. Diuretics have just a few distinct medical uses, hypertension ( reducing high blood pressure,) and treating some heart conditions.

They can also be used cyclically for no more than one week in every month by women with premenstrual fluid retention.

Diurectics remove sodium from the kidneys – excess water is also removed or flushed away in this process. The water is regained once the body is rehydrated.

Are There Side Effects To Water Pills

As the intended or primary function of the water pill is lower blood pressure – people that have a normal blood pressure can find their blood pressure descreases and become almost dangerously low.

Are Water Pills Recommended For Weight Loss

Absolutely not – we do not recommend you buy a commercial or over the counter water pill to be used in conjunction with any weight loss process.

Water pills are ideally used under strict guidance from your GP or Doctor.

Alternative Slimming Pills

If you have a particularly high BMI (Body Mass Index) you may be eligible for prescription slimming pill.

Xenical prescription slimming pillXenical (Orlistat) is the most commonly prescribed.

More about Xenical
