Thermatrim Review

Thermatrim Slimming Pills

Thermatrim is a combined night and day formula that is formulated to help you to lose weight around the clock.

It is a fat burner and appetite suppressant that can help raise the metabolism and reduce cravings for sugary foods.

At first glance this slimming pill looks to have a pretty convincing story to tell. It is when the ingredient list is inspected closer that a few cracks start to appear.

Thermatrim Ingredients

The main ingredients present  are guarana, chromium picolante, chitosan, gymnema sylvestre, and garcinia cambogia. Add to these a sprinkling of herbs

Thermatrim Side Effects

Should not cause anything untoward if taken as recommended in the product literature.

Does Thermatrim Work

A distinct lack of any real customer success stories and clinical data has caused us to lose interest in this product pretty much at the outset.

Is Thermatrim Recommended

Hard to recommend – look elsewhere

Other Slimming Pills To Consider

Capsiplex – the fat burner that has received unprecedented media attention largely due to it ingredients that have been proven to burn body fat extremely rapidly.

Capsiplex sold out completely when it was first introduced to the market and has sold in excess of 1 million bottles.

Capsiplex is called the “miracle slimming pill” and contains an ingredient found in NHS prescription only slimming tablets.

More about Capsiplex


Buy Phentermine Slimming Pills

Can I Legally Buy Phentermine Slimming Pills

Phentermine of one the most searched for slimming pills on the internet.

There are literately thousands of people trying to buy Phentermine from the web on any given day despite the warnings that Phentermine is a drug based controlled substance and is NOT available to buy or obtain without a prescription.

Phentermine has been linked to many side effects over the decade or so and now it is highly unlikely that a GP or doctor will prescribe the drug nowadays.

This does not appear to stop some that will go to great lengths to obtain – often looking outside the UK and Europe and trying to purchase Phentermine for web based set ups from the Middle East.

It is highly advised to refrain from ordering Phentermine from any website that offers no matter how tempting.

At best there is a legal issue – at worse you are extremely unlikely to receive legitimate Phentermine. Counterfeit products are rife in the prescription weight loss industry

A recent BBC watchdog style documentary highlighted this fact.

Watch BBC media coverage – Counterfeit Slimming Pills

Phentermine Substitutes

There are however several Phentermine alternatives than can be ordered without prescription that can offer the potency of the slimming drug while remaining within the law – and more importantly without the side effect issue.

Possibly the most effective Phen substitute we have reviewed is Phen375

Phen375 is synthetically produced formula produced in FDA pharmaceutical registered laboratories using pharmaceutical grade ingredients including: a combination of cyclic AMP enzyme boosters such as 1,3-Dimethypentylamine Hydrochloride, 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine, and a Sympathomimetic Amine, Dehydroepiandrosterone and l-carnitine.

More about Phen 375

