5 Slimming Tips

5 Best Free Slimming Tips

As we seem to be deepening into economic crisis it can be used as a great excuse to delay and put off that diet due to lack of funds.

Losing weight need not cost a lot, in fact here are 5 slimming tips that are either free or cost virtually nothing.

1. Suppress appetite with water – did you know that water is a very effective natural appetite suppressant. Sometimes when we feel the onset of hunger is not necessarily food that our body craves, it could rehydration.

The signals that our brain gives to our body that it is hungry is very close to the signal for thirst – so a simple glass of water can dull the appetite and prevent us from taking on a few hundred needless calories.

2. Detox once a week – Diet does not mean to “go without” but there occasions when it wont hurt. Once a week give your body a rest and only eat fresh fruit and vegetables giving meat and carbohydrates a welcome break.

Replace your morning coffee or tea with water or fruit juice – and walk rather than drive if possible.

3. Chew your food well – there have been numerous and well documented studies into the the effects of chewing your food properly. By properly, this means around 40 times per mouthful.

In a cross section of studies, subjects who chewed their food for approximately 4o times per mouthful felt the effects of satiety (fullness) quicker than those that didn’t. The result of reaching satiety quicker means taking on less calories.

4. Dont buy snacks in bulk – using the principle of “out of sight, out of mind” – simply hiding your favourite snacks is not really good enough, you will always find them in the end.

Leave your favourite chocolate bar in the shop, so when you absolutely cannot resist temptation you have to make the effort and visit the shop to buy the. Only buy single bars and not multi-packs

5. Spice Up Your Food – the media appears to have an obsession lately with adding spices to foods. This is not without good reason.

Latest study suggests that spices such as cayenne pepper , cinnamon and turmeric can significantly help prevent and reduce the build up of fat.

Cayenne pepper in particular is definitely worth investigating.

More about Cayenne Pepper and Slimming



Chili Pepper Slimming Pills

Chili Pepper Thermo Slimming Pills

Holland and Barrett have introduced a new slimming pill to their already impressive range of weight loss products.

Chili Pepper Thermo – a slimming pill that utilizes the concept of cayenne pepper to burn fat.

The media over the last few years has written many column inches highlighting the positive effect chili pepper can have towards burning excess body fat and ultimately weight loss.

This has spawned many slimming pill products containing some form of chili pepper.

So What Of Chili Pepper Thermo

There appears to be very little information surrounding this product bar a brief detail of the ingredients. Apart from chili pepper there is green tea, caffeine and ginger root.

For give this rather weak review – there is a product that is become synonymous with the whole chili pepper slimming genre – this product is Capsiplex.

Its hard to review a product and give it a fair representation when the industry leader exists and has a rather impressive story.

Capsiplex was one of the first slimming pills created using cayenne pepper as a main ingredient – such was the success of its introduction that many stockists as well as the official website sold out after three days. It has now sold a reported 1.5 million bottles worldwide.

Several British newpapers ran the story with one even headlining the story on the front page.

If you are tempted to experience the fat burning benefits of a chili pepper slimming pill there is only really one choice.

Read more about Capsiplex



Best Appetite Suppressant Slimming Pills

Best Appetite Suppressant Pills

Suppressing appetite is one of the most effective forms of weight control. It is common knowledge that the less you eat, the less calories you will consume and the more distance you will put between yourself and possible obesity.

Dieting, slimming, controlling your weight – whatever you choose to call it does not have to involve great sacrifice. You can eat whatever you want – but in reason.

It is estimated that the average woman (average height, average build) require around the 2000 calories a day mark to remain at a consistant weight. This is not breaking news and most of understand this.

Self control and will power is regarded to be the dieters biggest ally, but also the biggest enemy – calorie controlled diets do not work if will power and self control are lacking.

The appetite suppressant is designed specifically to aid will power – premium class appetite suppressants can help reduce appetite and suppress the desire to over eat.

There are currently dozens of brands of appetite suppressants available to buy either online or through high street outlets.

One product that is selling particularly well is the commination slimming pill PhenQ.

PhenQ – Appetite Suppressant, Fat Burner and Fat Blocker

PhenQ is a multi action slimming pill that provides multiple weight loss benefits to it’s customers.

Buy PhenQPhenQ is a very effective appetite suppressant that can help reduce calorie consumption on a daily basis – PhenQ can also help burn existing excess body. PhenQ can also help prevent new fat from accumulating by blocking a portion of fat from the fodd you eat – it truly is an excellent weight loss product!

Under the new EU guidelines – slimming products are being scrutinised and removed form sale if they do not substantiate their claims – PhenQ is fully licensed and is distributed direct from the UK, Europe and the USA. There is a 60 day money back guarantee included with every purchase – plus shipping is free anywhere in the world

Is PhenQ right for you – click here to find out
