Accelis Review

A stimulant free slimming pill says the official Accelis website and apparently expected weight loss is somewhere in the region of 10lbs initially.

Accelis is made by Iovate Health Sciences

As with a majority of fat burning slimming pills available to the consumer over the counter or purchased via the internet the expectation set by the marketing is a tad too unrealistic.

The manufacturers draw attention to clinical trials and scientific studies to prove effectiveness – but when delved into absolute specifics it does appear that the research carried out is not entirely unbiased.

Accelis Fat Burner

A combination of fat burning ingredients that it could be argued could show promise in the correct quantity. This fat burner does not quantify exact amount of each ingredient present.

Ingredients Of Accelis

  • Lagerstroemia speciosa
  • Caffeine
  • Chamomile extract
  • Passionflower extract
  • Soy phospholipids

Side Effects Of Accelis

Should not pose a serious risk to health if taken as prescribed. Although Accelis are billed as stimulant free – Green Tea is a stimulant by its very nature. More about Green Tea here

Accelis Does It Work

Given the expectation levels set  Accelis is not a slimming pill to pin your weight loss success hopes too.

Alternatives to Accelis

Capsiplex can now be purchased within the British Isles. Coined the “Miracle Slimming Pill” by the British media, Capsiplex is based on capsicum, red hot chili powder.

It is suggested that using Capsiplex can burn just as many calories as jogging for 20 minutes.

It has an association with the NHS but available to buy direct without prescription.

Capsiplex has experienced unprecedented sales upon its introduction selling over one million unit within the first six months – it completely sold after three days of release.

Read the Capsiplex Review
