Xanthadrene Slimming Pills

Xanthadrene Slimming Pill Review

is a new addition to the slimming pill market place with some pretty unoriginal ingredients. This is in no means to detract form the ingredients but they already exist in established product and a certain sense re-inventing the wheel springs to mind

Xanthadrene  is non-stimulant thermogenic fat burner and can also reduce appetite.

One specific active ingredient used in the formula is Fucoxanthin, it is advertised as a revolutionary new substance that’s clinically proven in tests to reduce body weight by up to 10% in just 4 months, alongside regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Fucoxanthin is geared towards eradicating fat mainly around the abdomen (stomach), helping you to lose tummy fat and decrease the risk factors linked with diabetes and heart disease.

Fucoxanthin is the carotenoid pigment found in brown algae – which is a type of seaweed. To date there is no real evidence connected seaweed and weight loss and the safety element is far from proven.

Xanthadrene Ingredients

  • Green Tea – increases the rate of energy expenditure by stimulating your calorific burn rate – highly effective fat burner.
  • Hoodia Gordonii – pure Hoodia is regarded to be the most effective natural appetite suppressant
  • Pomegranate Extract – promotes a healthy blood flow
  • Fucoxanthin – a type of seaweed

Possible Xanthadrene Side Effects And Precautions

Xanthadrene should not be taken if you have a medical condition: For example  diabetes, a cardiovascular disorder, heart disease, hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure or any psychological problems.

Is Xanthadrene Effective

Presently Xanthadrene is not blessed with overwhelmingly positive reviews and consumer feedback.

Where To Buy Xanthadrene UK

There is not a high street presence, Boots, Superdrug and Holland and Barrett do not Stock

Other Slimming Pills To Consider

One of the interesting ingredients included in the formula is green tea.

Contrary to popular belief green tea is not just green tea – there is a world of difference between the green tea you will find in the supermarkets and the dedicated fat burners that are now available to buy.

More about Green Tea


New Slimming Drug Tesofensine

Tesofensine New Slimming Drug

A new slimming drug is about to be introduced to the market – the final stages of testing are being completed which could see Tesofensine available early to mid 2011.

Neurosearch, an experimental drug company are behind the new slimming drug, as yet there is no official branding and will be be known simply under its generic name (Tesofensine.)

Initial findings have revealed that is it could be twice as powerful as it nearest competitors (prescribed slimming drugs.)

Prescribed slimming drugs have received some pretty bad publicity of late with two very high profile product suffering withdrawals from the market. Both Reductil and Acomplia have been banned after some adverse side effects reported.

How Does Tesofensine Work

Tesofensine effects the brain, there are 3 different regions that the slimming drug targets and increases the transmission of 3 neurotransmitters, namely,  dopaminenoroadreneline and seratonin. All the neurotransmitters act to reduce appetite and increase the metabolism.

Dopamine is responsible for sending messages to the brain regarding the pleasure obtained from food, while noroadreneline and serotonin increase metabolism and reduce appetite.

Tesofensine is an appetite suppressant for want of a more detailed explanation.

Possible Side Effects Of Tesofensine

Currently there have been a fair few issue concerning safety. The most common newly discovered side effects were dry mouth, insomnia and intestinal problems.

When Will Testofensine Be Available

Presently there is no official release date

Can I Buy Tesofensine Without Prescription

Will be available via prescription only. It is highly unlikely that it will be available to buy online or over the counter (Boots, Superdrug etc) from the high street

Should I Use Tesofensine

Prescribed slimming drugs do carry a health risk – they are classed as drug classed medication and so should be taken with extreme caution and most definitely not without GP administration.

Alternative Slimming Pills

PhenQ appetite suppressant, fat blocker, fat burnerPhen375 is a powerful and yet safe sliming pill – it is non prescription and can be purchased direct

Phen375 is synthetically manufactured in FDA pharmaceutical registered laboratories using pharmaceutical grade components.

Phen375 can not only suppress appetite but also act as a fat burner.

More about PhenQ


Arctic Diet Slimming Pills

Arctic Diet Slimming Pills Review

The Arctic Diet is the latest slimming product to come from Scandinavia.

It uses the concept of seaweed encapsulated in a slimming pill or a diet supplement.

Arctic diet should arrive in the UK soon.

What Is The Arctic Diet

Basically a slimming pill that is produced from Norwegian brown seaweed – Fucus Vesiculosus that is found naturally and grown above the Polar Circle. It is harvested during the period of the midnight sun.

The seaweed is extremely rich in important amino acids, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants such as Fucoxanthin, Fucoidan and Alginate.

It has been thought for sometime that seaweed can have a positive on suppressing the appetite.

There is not an awful that can be said on the subject as this product is still very new. We will have revisit the Arctic Diet at a  later date.

Utilising seaweed in slimming pills in not a new concept. There is a product called Appesat that also shares the the same philosophy

More about Appesat
