Hydroxycut Slimming Pill Banned

Hydroxycut Slimming Pill To Be Recalled

Hydroxycut Slimming Pills BannedHydroxycut – America’s best selling pill for the last few years is to be recalled.

Iovate, the company responsible – issued a statement advising customers to refrain from purchasing Hydroxycut branded slimming products while they are in the process from being removed from shelves.

Iovate are also advising customers to stop using if they are currently using any Hydroxycut product.

The recall is a voluntary one but has come via recommendation from the FDA.

What Health Risks And Side Effects Can Hydroxycut Cause

Hydroxycut, by its very nature (fat burner) is not free from potential side effects. Common complaints and side effects include: Insomnia, Restless, Headache and the “Jitters”.

More recently though, independent studies have concluded that Hydroxycut can cause serious liver damage, liver problem and juandice.

The following products are to be recalled:

  • Hydroxycut Regular Rapid Release Caplets
  • Hydroxycut Caffeine-Free Rapid Release Caplets
  • Hydroxycut Hardcore Liquid Capsules
  • Hydroxycut Max Liquid Capsules
  • Hydroxycut Regular Drink Packets
  • Hydroxycut Caffeine-Free Drink Packets
  • Hydroxycut Hardcore Drink Packets (Ignition Stix)
  • Hydroxycut Max Drink Packets
  • Hydroxycut Hardcore RTDs
  • Hydroxycut Max Aqua She, 24, Carb Control & Natural

How To Claim A Refund From Hydroxycut

The manufacturers are urging customers to contact the company that sold the product rather than contact Iovate directly.

Customers will be given a full refund upon proof of purchase.

Are Slimming Pills Safe

Hydroxycut is the second high profile slimming pill to be withdrawn from the market amid safety concerns in the last 6 months.

Acomplia Rimonabant was withdrawn towards the end of 2008.

Side effects are more commonly associated with drug classed or pharmaceutically produced slimming pills rather than their more herbal counterparts.

Herbal Slimming PillsHerbal slimming pills are formulated from natural herbaceous substances and so are least likely to cause adverse reaction.

Read about Herbal Slimming Pills


Colon Cleansing And Detox

Colon Health and Colon Cleansing

Colon cleansing and colon healthOne the biggest issues facing adults in the western world is colon health.

In our battle to beat the bulge we sometimes overlook what could be the biggest contributing factor to why are gaining weight and becoming obese.

In may not be due to the food we are consuming but due to the waste matter we are not ridding from our digestive system.

Bad colon health or lack of colon maintenance can lead to many other health issues and not just weight related.

Not that discussing such matters is pleasant but an interesting fact to note is that at least half the adult population in the UK, Europe and USA do not produce a regular bowel movement.

Many do not produce a daily “poo” – many even as irregular as once a week. This fecal matter lies rotting in your digestive system and fragments can get stuck or lodged in the crevasses and folds of your colon.

Your Colon

The Human ColonThe average persons colon is around 7 feet long and twisted and un-uniform.

It is not unlike a twisted coil with pits, crevasses and folds running the entire length.

The job of the colon is to move the waste fecal matter from the food that your stomach has produced and rid it from your system as quickly as possible.

Why Colon Cleansing Is Important

Regular maintenance of your colon is vital for optimum health.  Surprisingly few people look after their colon as they should.

“Your colon could contain several months of undigested waste stuck around the tiny cravasses of your small intestines…without proper care and maintenance you could be poisoning yourself from within”

Lack of colon care could lead to these health issues.

  • Weight Gain and bloating
  • Digestive disorders and IBS
  • Constipation
  • Skin problems, acne and rashes
  • Allergies
  • Body Odour and bad breathe
  • Heartburn
  • Hemorrhoids

Parasitic infestation of the digestive system is often associated with bad colon health.

How To Cleanse You Colon

The most commonly know form of colon cleansing and detox is via colonic irrigation. Colonic irrigation is evasive, costly and can rob your body of not only the harmful bacteria but also the good.

The “good” bacteria is essential for digestive health.

Natural Colon Cleansing

One of the better natural colon cleansing products is Detox Plus

Detox Plus is an oraly taken solution that can rid your body of toxins and fecal debris.

It is produced by one of the UK’s premier health and wellness specialists Evolution Slimming

More about Detox Plus
