Xanthadrene Slimming Pills

Xanthadrene Slimming Pill Review

is a new addition to the slimming pill market place with some pretty unoriginal ingredients. This is in no means to detract form the ingredients but they already exist in established product and a certain sense re-inventing the wheel springs to mind

Xanthadrene  is non-stimulant thermogenic fat burner and can also reduce appetite.

One specific active ingredient used in the formula is Fucoxanthin, it is advertised as a revolutionary new substance that’s clinically proven in tests to reduce body weight by up to 10% in just 4 months, alongside regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Fucoxanthin is geared towards eradicating fat mainly around the abdomen (stomach), helping you to lose tummy fat and decrease the risk factors linked with diabetes and heart disease.

Fucoxanthin is the carotenoid pigment found in brown algae – which is a type of seaweed. To date there is no real evidence connected seaweed and weight loss and the safety element is far from proven.

Xanthadrene Ingredients

  • Green Tea – increases the rate of energy expenditure by stimulating your calorific burn rate – highly effective fat burner.
  • Hoodia Gordonii – pure Hoodia is regarded to be the most effective natural appetite suppressant
  • Pomegranate Extract – promotes a healthy blood flow
  • Fucoxanthin – a type of seaweed

Possible Xanthadrene Side Effects And Precautions

Xanthadrene should not be taken if you have a medical condition: For example  diabetes, a cardiovascular disorder, heart disease, hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure or any psychological problems.

Is Xanthadrene Effective

Presently Xanthadrene is not blessed with overwhelmingly positive reviews and consumer feedback.

Where To Buy Xanthadrene UK

There is not a high street presence, Boots, Superdrug and Holland and Barrett do not Stock

Other Slimming Pills To Consider

One of the interesting ingredients included in the formula is green tea.

Contrary to popular belief green tea is not just green tea – there is a world of difference between the green tea you will find in the supermarkets and the dedicated fat burners that are now available to buy.

More about Green Tea


C-plex 60 Review

C-plex 60 Slim Pill

C-plex 60 has been called the “Miracle Slim Pill” in a story run today in the Daily Star. What is this new diet pill C-plex 60 and how can it helps you lose weight?

“It can cut your calories by a third”

C-plex 60 launches today in Britain. It is an amazing diet pill that can reduce the absoption of carbohydrate in your food for up to 82%. This means in simpler terms that it can slash your daily calorie consumption by a whooping 30%.

With a reduced calorie intake procured by the aid of the slimming pill C-plex 60, a natural and safe weight loss is easily obtainable, even if you are on a “trucker’s diet”, as said in the Daily Star.

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What is C-plex 60

C-plex 60 is a seaweed-based drug that prevents the body to store the carbohydrates in the food that you eat. Carbohydrates or “Carb” is store in the body as fat!

C-plex 60 can reduce your absorption of carbs by up to 82%, meaning that you will reduce your  calorie intake by up to a third.

” C-plex 60 can help you shed 2 stones in a month “

C-plex 60 is expected to be the world’s top slimming product in 2011.

Read C-plex 60 Testimonials

How does C-plex 60 work

The seaweed-based C-plex 60 works by preventing your body to absorb up to 82% of the carbohydrate in your meal.

For exemple, if you eat a fish and chips of 1,265 calories, with the help of C-plex 60 you will only absorb 785 of those calories. This is the recipe of success in weight loss.

That way, you can enjoy as many guilt-free Christmas parties as you like, without seeing your waist expanding.

C-plex 60 has also the added benefit of stopping the insulin peak in the blood after your meal, which can prevent diabetes.

Where to buy C-plex 60

C-plex 60 can be bought on the official website. Contrary to other expensive slimming pill, C-plex 60 only cost £34.99 for 30 tablets, enough for a full month usage.

Click here to buy C-plex 60

Do Carb Minders Work

Holland and Barrett Carb Minders

There appears to be a proliferation of slimming pills that have appeared on supermarket shelves, in health stores and on the internet that are geared towards blocking carbohydrates (Carb Blockers)

Carb Minder with Phase 2 is one such product and is now stocked in select branches of Holland and Barrett

Carb blockers are proven to be effective (depending on the particular brand) and can be used in tandem with other types of slimming pills such as fat binders, fat burners and appetite suppressants.

How Do Carb Blockers Work

Carbohydrates are present in most of the foods we eat regularly, Carbohydrates are not “bad” as sometimes they are portrayed in the press -they are essential to our body as a rich and potent source of energy.

Carbohydrates only become bad when too much carbohydrate is taken on without regularly exercising or at least being mobile.

Carbohydrates are quickly turned into energy but if we do not exercise enough and eat too much carb rich (starchy) food – then this energy can be converted back into fat and stored in out body

What Is Phase 2

Some of the branded carb blockers you will come across will advertise Phase 2 as an ingredient.

Phase 2 is a wholly natural food extract that can neutralise the starch from the carbohydrates in your food.

It is derived from the white kidney bean and the most prominent of all the substances that can help to stop the effect of too much starch.

Does Carb Minder Cause Side Effects

Should not cause any side effect issues if taken as described and suggested.

Does Carb Minder Work

To a degree, but cannot compete with two of the industries premier branded highly potent products, DeCarb and Dietrine.

Where To Buy Carb Minder

Currently available at selected branches of Holland and Barrett and also available online from their official webstore.

Other Slimming Pills To Consider

PhenQ appetite suppressant, fat blocker, fat burnerWe would strongly recommend PhenQ – a multi action slimming pilll. PhenQ can burn fat, block fat while also suppressing appetite.

PhenQ has a long refund policy and can be delivered anywhere in the work without a delivery cost.

More about PhenQ here