Slim9 Review

Slim9 Slimming Pill Review

Slim9 is designed and manufactured to address the key issues surrounding not only weight loss but all round health and wellbeing.

The manufactures have taken what they believe to be natures best ingredients and formulated them into one dietary supplement.

The concept of a multi action dietary supplement is nothing new and one which few manufacturers get right. Trying to cram too many features and benefits into just the one product can often dilute the effect of all potential benefits.

“If it was a simple choice of taking a larger quantity of any of the included ingredients it would be cayenne pepper!”

What Is Slim9 And What Does It Do

Slim9 is an orally taken capsule taken at intervals throughout day. The formula works by boosting energy levels, digestion and metabolism

In a nutshell Slim9 has been created to help you to:

  • Lose excess body weight
  • Increase your body’s metabolism
  • Provide a boost to energy levels
  • Feel healthier and revitalised
  • Suppress your appetite and prevent food cravings
  • Improve your digestive function

How Does Slim9 Work

The formula contains 9 natural ingredients including: Acai, cayenne, flaxseed, ginger, ginseng, green tea, hoodia gordonii prebiotic fibre and psyllium seed.

The few standout ingredients can provide the following benefits:

Acai Berries are powerful antioxidants that have been shown to boost energy levels, purge unwanted fatty acids, and facilitate cleansing and rejuvenation

Cayenne is proven to speed up the metabolism, helping to discard unwanted fats and turning others into energy faster and more efficiently.

Green Tea speeds up the metabolism and has impressive levels of antioxidants, helping convert food into energy rather than fat and regulating sugar levels, thereby reducing food cravings.

Slim9 Side Effects

The ingredients are very much natural based and so unlikely to cause any side effect of any severity.

Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers are advised to avoid as is anyone who has a pre existing health condition.

The manufacturers also suggest not taking the supplement prior to sleeping as it may disturb sleep patterns.

Is Slim9 Recommended, Does It Work

Our opening few paragraphs touched upon what is a usual outcome when too many ingredients and benefits are crammed into just the one product. This is certainly something that can be levelled at Slim9.

A UK customer should be wary of purchasing anything that contains Hoodia Gordonii as the EU has decided to blacklist the substance from sale into the UK.

Where To Buy Slim9 In The UK

Purchases seem to be restricted to the official website, there is not a high street stockist in the UK that currently supplies the product.

Alternative Slimming Pills

One of the key ingredients mentioned is Cayenne Pepper. There have been numerous clinical studies linking the natural spice and the slimming process.

If it was a simple choice of taking a larger quantity of any of the included ingredients it would be cayenne pepper!

More about Cayenne Pepper and Slimming



Chewable Alli Slimming Pills

Chewable Alli

Alli is a unique slimming pill, it is the only chemically produced slimming pill that is available to buy without the need for a prescription.

Alli is manufactured by pharmaceutical juggernaut GSK and has made all concerned an absolute fortune with its unique position in the market.

Upon its release it was met with a mixed reception as there was one particular issue with a rather embarrassing end result that somewhat muddied its arrival.

This issue was coined the “Alli oops”

Now Alli is available in a new format – a chewable slimming pill
Buy Alli Chewable Tablets Online From Chemist Direct

Is Alli Worth Taking

As touched upon above, When Alli was first made available, it had one issue that caused mush debate and controversy. On the face of it it seemed to be one small irritating issue that a few customers experienced but lead to many forum discussions.

This issue was know affectionately the “Alli Oops” and was a reference to a rather embarrassing anal leakage problem.

Alli has a mechanic of action whereby fat that is consumed is prevented (or a portion) from being digested by the stomach – the fat that is not digested passes naturally through the body and exits as you would expect – but the problem was it often lead to just a moments notice and sometimes left the user with soiled under garments.

Contrary to popular belief, Alli is not a miracle slimming pill. It’s a clinically researched slimming drug that is expressly to be used in conjunction with a sensible eating plan to help your own weight loss efforts.

It is claimed by the manufacturers that by adding alli to a reduced calorie, lower-fat diet it can increase your weight loss efforts by 50%.

In other words  for every 2 lb (1 kg) you manage to lose from eating healthily, adding Alli can help you lose 1 lb (1/2 kg) more.

Where To Buy Alli

Alli is available to buy from most chemists and high street pharmacies. Although it is classed as non prescription each potential customer will still have to complete a questionnaire detailing some general question about lifestyle etc.

Alli is also available to buy online from registered and authorised chemists – this route is perhaps the most straightforward and least problematic.

Currently Chemist Direct have a very tempting offer.

Buy Alli From Chemist Direct
