7 Day Fat Burner Review
The 7 Day Fat Burner or 7-DFB as it is affectionately know is the only fat burning slimming pill that can help you to reduce your weight by up to 7-14 lbs in just a week.
That is according to the manufacturers and marketing people responsible.
The people behind 7-DFB are also behind the notorious Lipovox, Orovo and Orovo Detox – these products have had less than inspiring feedback of late and the same can be said of the 7 Day Fat Burner.
What Is The 7-day Fat Burner
Essentially comprises of natural substances (so does fresh air) – these substances produce a natural diuretic that rids the body of excessive fluids. So the 7 Day Fat Burner is not really a fat burner at all!
Capsiplex – The Miracle Fat Pill
Capsiplex can now be purchased in the United Kingdom. Dubbed the “Miracle fat pill” by the British press, Capsiplex is based on capsicum a powerful fat burning agent.
Its creators claim that using Capsiplex can burn just as many calories as jogging for 20 minutes.
It has an association with the NHS but available to buy direct without prescription.
Capsiplex has has been attributed to numerous slimming success from both the celebrity world and ordinary people alike.
Read the Capsiplex Review
Is The 7DFB Effective
It does not burn fat – it can make you go to the toilet frequently so initially your weight will reduce , but temporarily – but the very next time you take on fluid the lost weight will return.
7 Day Fat Burner Side Effects
None really apart from going to the toilet.
Should I buy The 7-DFB
Fat burners are the less effective of all the slimming pill genres – the 7 Day Fat Burner is not a particularly good fat burner – so a major disappointment all round.
Other Slimming Pills To Consider
Fat Blockers – Xenical is possibly the best know fat blocker. Only available via prescription. More about Xenical
Fat Binders – Proactol is a fat binder that can stop fat from absorbed and digested. More about Proactol
Appetite Suppressants – Hoodia Gordonii can suppress appetite and reduce the want and need for food. More about Hoodia Gordonii