Bontril Slimming Pills
Bontril is another prescription only slimming pill. An appetite suppressant and in the same genre and group of diet pills as Phentermine. It is the brand name of Phendimetrazine produced by Carnick Labs Inc.
Most appetite suppressing slimming pills effect weight loss by stimulating the central nervous system which in turn sends a signal to the brain telling the stomach that is full and does require any more food.
Less food digested equates to the reduction of calories and weight loss – the ideology is incredibly simple.
Appetite suppressant slimming pills are an extremely effective way of dieting especially if a dieter has struggled in the past with a diet where some degree of will power is required.
The appetite suppressant provides the necessary will power, all you have to do is remember to take them as recommended.
Unfortunately not all appetite suppressants are effective or safe to take.
Side Effects Of Bontril
Bontril can cause many side effects from the nuisance to the severe
- Dizziness
- Blurred Vision
- Insomnia
- Dry Mouth
- Irritability
- Constipation
- Stomach ache
These are just a few of the not so serious side effects. Some others that are classes as more serious include.
- Urination Problems
- Palpatations
- Breathing Difficulties
- Nervousness
- Allergic Reaction
- Closing Of The Throat
- Swelling Of The Lips
It would possibly be an easier task to list what side effect Bontril doesn’t produce
Does Bontril Work
Bontril can reduce appetite – but the cost it too great a risk to health
Should I Buy Bontril
Hoodia is a better alternative to Bontril – Authentic Hoodia Gordonii will not result in the side effects of Bontril and will reduce appetite more effectively. We cannot give any kind to recommendation to Bontril.
There have been cases were dependency has been caused by Bontril – not recommended for anyone with addiction problems or emotional issues.
Alternative Slimming Pills
With the demise of Phentermine the race has been on to formulate an effective alternative.
Phen375 seems to have won (or be winning) the battle. It is powerful fat burner and appetite suppressant.
Manufactured in FDA approved laboratories and boasting watertight certification Phen375 should be given serious consideration.
Read about Phen375