Thermobol Slimming Pills

Thermobol Review

Thermobol is produced by Maximuscle, one the market leaders in the sports and performance industry.

It is a fat burner that is based around natural ingredients and designed to maximise fat loss potential and maintain a healthy metabolism.

Maximuscle are responsible for several high profile body performance enhancing natural supplements and target a customer more centred around bodybuilding or sports-minded than the casual dieter or slimmer.

What is Thermobol And How Does It Work

Thermobol is a formula contained in an easy to swallow capsule that’s geared towards to help get the best out of time spend training or exercising. It is not a slimming pill or fat burner for lazy, for best results it is highly recommended you use only if you have particularly mobile lifestyle and exercise frequently.

The formula consists of natural and herbal based extracts – such as green tea, bitter orange, cayenne pepper (chili pepper), caffeine with guarana, Vitamin B1 and B12, l-tyrosine and chromium.

This combination of ingredients, according to the manufacturers are supported by extensive research.

Thermobol Side Effects

There should not be anything of any great severity experienced although high performance fat burners can have a tendency to cause a jittery sensation and potential restlessness.

Does Thermobol Work

As touched earlier, most products that wear the Maximuscle brand are of premier stock – Thermobol is definitely one for the shortlist.

Where To Buy Thermobol

can be purchased direct from the Maximuscle website – a 30 capsule supply will cots around £15 with a 90 capsule supply around £37

Buy Maximuscle Thermobol

Alternative Fat Burners

If Thermobol is targeted towards to the sports-minded and people more likely to partake in exercise then Capsiplex is the other end of the scale.

Coined the “slim at your desk slimming pill” by the media, Capsiplex has one ingredient in common with Thermobol – namely cayenne pepper.

Cayenne pepper (also known as capsicum, red hot pepper and a whole host of other descriptive terms) is considered to be one of the most important and significant discoveries in recent times.

Capsiplex contains cayenne pepper and more or less nothing else – it is said that taking Capsiplex on a daily basis is akin to 20 minutes of jogging or 40 minutes of cycling.

More about Capsiplex


Zantrex Slimming Pills And Snooki

Snooki Slims with Zantrex

Another star of US reality TV series Jersey Shore has been flaunting their new slimmer figure in front of the media – tiny and strangely orange Snooki has lost 15lbs after initially revealing that a new healthy diet plan and a strict exercise regime was responsible.

It later transpired (admitted by Snooki on her Twitter account) that she used a combination of US fat burner Zantrex and the hormone HCG.

This revelation is hot on heel of another member of the Jersey shore cast, Jwoww who employed the use another American slimming pill, Ab Cuts to attain a new slender physique.

Zantrex is the controversial fat burner that is said to be able to help you lose 546% more weight than its closest rival – but is also said to be responsible for one or two quite worrying side effects such as palpitations, anxiety, cold sweats, nausea, diarrhea, increased heart rate and irritability.

Zantrex is focused towards an American consumer – it is unlikely that you will be able to buy Zantrex from the likes of Boots, Superdrug or Holland and Barrett.

If you want to buy Zantrex and living in the Uk you may need to look overseas to make a purchase.

Here in the UK we have had our own fair share of celebrity weight loss stories with former Emmerdale soap star Roxanne Pallett makinh the headlines in the summer after trimming down while using UK produced Capsiplex.

Capsiplex is also a fat burner but unlike Zantrex does not pose the same issues with regard to side effects.

Capsiplex is the so called Chili Slimming Pill that can help you burn the same amount of calories as you would cycling for 40 minutes or jogging for 20.

Recently Roxanne went behind the camera to tell her weight loss story

Roxanne Pallett’s Weight Loss Story



Forza Super Strength T5 BLACK Slimming Pills

Forza Super Strength T5 Black Review

With the current influx of T5 slimming pills currently appearing on the market its hard to distinguish between the various brands and how effective each particular product actually is.

Its pretty conclusive that Forza are leading the way especially as far as the UK is concerned – and convincingly so if popularity is used as a benchmark.

The flagship fat burner Forza T5 Super Strength has now sold and shipped well in excess of 1 million units and counting.

Buy Forza T5 BLACK Direct

To commemorate this landmark Forza have released a limited edition and stronger version called Forza T5 Super Strength BLACK – they are limiting the number of units to 2000 and will only be sold this current year.

“strongest fat burner that the manufacturers have ever produced.”

Forza T5 Super Strength BLACK Limited Edition

The original product contained the 100mg of proprietary ingredients Activ-Rx Hcl whereas the limited addition now carries and extra 50% (150mg) – making this the strongest fat burner that the manufacturers have ever produced.

Cosmetically the bottle is markedly different form the original, it is about a fiver more expensive but more than justifies the higher price but the manufacturers warn that dieters that are new to concept of T5 may want to use a weaker strength version initially and then step up.

  • Burns excess fat from stubborn areas such as stomach, hips, waist and buttocks
  • Regulates metabolism allowing the body to mobilise fatty deposits and acquire energy
  • Works for hours using time release technology helping your body avoid the crash

Does Forza T5 Super Strength BLACK Work

The original Forza T5 fat burner had a high success rate and had a wide user base from the casual dieter to the hardcore body builder – there is no reason to suspect anything other than more of the same as the ingredients are unchanged apart from a higher strength dosage per capsule.

Will I Suffer Side Effects

The difference between product brands such as Forza and certain others is that proper tested ingredients are used and not loaded to the hilt with caffeine. Caffeine is a vital component but in moderation.

Is T5 Black Recommended

If you are planning to use a T5 fat burner its pretty difficult to a make a case for anything but.


Where To Buy Forza T5 Black 

The limited addition is only available via Forza authorised online retailers – Boots, Superdrug, Holland and Barrett and the like are pretty viewed as the competition these days so unlikely to be stocked on the high street channel for the foreseeable future.

Pricing is £39 for a 60 tablet supply that could last for a month or two at a stretch.

There may be a restriction on purchasing if the “limited edition” target is reached, so buy them while you can.

Buy Forza T5 Black Direct
