Forza Super Strength T5 Black Review

With the current influx of T5 slimming pills currently appearing on the market its hard to distinguish between the various brands and how effective each particular product actually is.

Its pretty conclusive that Forza are leading the way especially as far as the UK is concerned – and convincingly so if popularity is used as a benchmark.

The flagship fat burner Forza T5 Super Strength has now sold and shipped well in excess of 1 million units and counting.

Buy Forza T5 BLACK Direct

To commemorate this landmark Forza have released a limited edition and stronger version called Forza T5 Super Strength BLACK – they are limiting the number of units to 2000 and will only be sold this current year.

“strongest fat burner that the manufacturers have ever produced.”

Forza T5 Super Strength BLACK Limited Edition

The original product contained the 100mg of proprietary ingredients Activ-Rx Hcl whereas the limited addition now carries and extra 50% (150mg) – making this the strongest fat burner that the manufacturers have ever produced.

Cosmetically the bottle is markedly different form the original, it is about a fiver more expensive but more than justifies the higher price but the manufacturers warn that dieters that are new to concept of T5 may want to use a weaker strength version initially and then step up.

  • Burns excess fat from stubborn areas such as stomach, hips, waist and buttocks
  • Regulates metabolism allowing the body to mobilise fatty deposits and acquire energy
  • Works for hours using time release technology helping your body avoid the crash

Does Forza T5 Super Strength BLACK Work

The original Forza T5 fat burner had a high success rate and had a wide user base from the casual dieter to the hardcore body builder – there is no reason to suspect anything other than more of the same as the ingredients are unchanged apart from a higher strength dosage per capsule.

Will I Suffer Side Effects

The difference between product brands such as Forza and certain others is that proper tested ingredients are used and not loaded to the hilt with caffeine. Caffeine is a vital component but in moderation.

Is T5 Black Recommended

If you are planning to use a T5 fat burner its pretty difficult to a make a case for anything but.


Where To Buy Forza T5 Black 

The limited addition is only available via Forza authorised online retailers – Boots, Superdrug, Holland and Barrett and the like are pretty viewed as the competition these days so unlikely to be stocked on the high street channel for the foreseeable future.

Pricing is £39 for a 60 tablet supply that could last for a month or two at a stretch.

There may be a restriction on purchasing if the “limited edition” target is reached, so buy them while you can.

Buy Forza T5 Black Direct
