Rimonabant Slimming Pills Banned

Slimming Pill Acomplia Rimonabant Banned

Rimonbant Slimming Drug Now BannedAcomplia, the slimming pill available on GP prescription has now been banned. Acomplia – the brand name of slimming drug Rimonabant has been removed from shelves and now not on the option list for doctors to prescribe to obese patients.

That leaves just Sibutramine and Xenical as the two most commonly prescribed slimming drugs.

Since 2007 Acomplia has been prescribed to in excess of one hundred thousand obese patients in an attempt to suppress their appetite and aid the weight loss process. It is now thought that the potential side effects far outweigh the benefit.

Why Has Acomplia Rimonabant Been Banned

Acomplia Rimonabant it has been associated with many health problems, some minor and some potentially fatal – ranging from the physical symptoms such as nausea, headaches and stomach cramps – to more serious psychiatric disorders such as panic attacks to memory loss.

It is now thought that Acomplia may have been the cause of several deaths including a possible suicide.

Acomplia is only prescribed to the extremely overweight of dangerously obese. Mid 2008 the NHS gave approval of Acomplia to used as a last resort anti obesity slimming drug.

Acomplia Suppresses Appetite

Acomplia is an appetite suppressant with the active ingredient Rimonabant that can stop the brain from sending signals to body in relation to food cravings. Once the body has giot used to accepting less food the stomach starts to shrink.

Appetite suppressants can be described as self healers – unfortunately Acomplia is just too strong.

In the natural world Hoodia Gordonii is the most popular and widely used herbal appetite suppressant. More about Hoodia Gordonii

What Now For Prescription Slimming Pills

Acomplia was prescribed to 1 in every 10 obese patients – while Xenical had the lion share of the market with over 60%. Xenical is not an appetite suppressant – it is a fat blocker that doesn’t rely on brain alteration. Xenical stops the digestion of a percentage of fat from being absorbed by the body. More about Xenical

Xenical is not completely flawless in terms of side effects but the downside of Xenical is very minor compared with the recent Acomplia findings.

It is of interest to note that Xenical has been on the market for a decade and is under constant scrutiny whereas Acomplia was possibly released possibly to early.

If drug companies were to curb their angst in relation to getting their products into the market everybody would benefit.

Read about Herbal Slimming Pills


Rimonabant Acomplia Diet Pills

Acomplia Prescription Diet Pills

Rimonabant Slimming Pills reviewAcomplia is the brand name for prescription only slimming pill Rimonabant. It is a very powerful pharmaceutical grade medication that is aimed at the morbidly obese and should not be taken by anyone just needing to shed just a few pounds.

Acomplia should not be purchased over the counter or online – it should be taken in a controlled and doctor administered fashion. There is a certain grey area surrounding its legality in the UK, Europe and USA – although it can be prescribed by a health practioner it is still being sold without GP intervention.

Acomplia is not a concoction of ingredients nor is it a herbal weight loss solution – just one ingredient is present, it is a drug called Rimonabant. When we mention weight loss drugs the phrase cannot be more aptly apportioned to Acomplia.

What Is Acomplia

Acomplia reduces cravings and suppresses the appetite – the sole purpose of appetite suppressants is to ruduce the intake and consumption of food and reduce the intake of calories. Acomplia will reduce your hunger but at what price? Very much nuclear style weight loss.

There are several natural appetite suppressants that are available that are not drug class weight loss medication. More about natural appetite suppressants here.

Acomplia works by blocking the cannabinoid receptors in the brain. The cannabinoid receptors are thought to control the consumption of food and dependence. By effecting out dependence Acomplia can be used to treat other habitual medical conditions and solve problems such as smokers who just cannot seem to kick the habit.

Acomplia Side Effects

The side effects of Acomplia, Rimonabant range from the very mild to the very serious.

  • Nausea
  • Breathing Difficulties
  • Upset Stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach Cramps
  • Tiredness and Fatigue
  • Sleeping Disorders
  • Bruising
  • Back Pain
  • Loss Of Memeory
  • Dizziness
  • Tendonitis
  • Panic Attacks

Acomplia can also cause hallucinations, panic attacks and even anger – it can even result in a complete change of personality. It is a drug and so even though manufactured to reduce cravings can often lead to a dependence on the drug itself.

Is Acomplia A Recommended Diet Pill

It is our opinion that Acomplia should only be taken under strict supervision from a GP, doctor or health practitioner. Under no account buy acomplia online from the internet.

Alternatives To Acomplia

Xenical, not an appetite suppressant but a fat blocker. Xenical (Orlistat) is prescription only – it does cause the side effects or the dependence that can be associated with Acomplia Rimonabant. More About Xenical here.

Hoodia Gordonii is a natural appetite suppressant that will not cause dependancy and is completely natural. Hoodia Gordonii is just as effective as Acomplia for reducing appetite but will not suppress other cravings such as tabacco. More About Hoodia Gordonii here

