Liponutra Slimming Pill UK

LipoNutra Fat Burner Review

LipoNutra is just one a new batch of slimming pills that have been introduced to the commercial market. Advertised as an “Advanced Fat Burner” it does not contain anything out of the ordinary that is not already available to purchase.

Its target customer, it would seem is the slimmer who wants to lose weight and keep it off – something in which all manufacturers would try to target one would imagine.

Their official website provides stark information about the company, although they do seem to be very much American focused.

What Is LipoNutra And How Does It Work

The product employs the use of 9 ingredients to form the proprietary blend. At first glance there doesn’t seem to be an awful wrong the fat burner as there are some pretty decent natural ingredients – with the four standouts listed below, each enjoying positive media coverage of late.

  • African Mango Extract: African Mango is the latest weight loss sensation to arrive in the UK from the United States. America’s Dr Oz was first responsible for bringing African Mango to public attention from a weight loss perpective describing it as “breakthrough diet supplement” and “the weight loss miracle in your medicine cabinet that can help you lose 10lbs.” One of the top 10 most effective superfruits. More about African Mango
  • Acai Berry: although Acai berries are not primarily slimming pills as such, they can help to shed additional weight or excess body fat. Acai is very rich in antioxidants and can help convert excess body fat into fuel. Acai berry is another top 10 superfruit and can be used as a standalone supplement.
  • Resveratrol: A natural supplement that can lower cholesterol and slowdown the ageing process.
  • Green Tea: Green tea has exceptional fat burning potential , it has be used by the Chinese for hundreds if not thousands of years and can be taken in tandem with other slimming products. It is also a very good cleansing agent.

Possible LipoNutra Side Effects

There has not be documented cases of side effects to date, nor any user comments connected to side effects or adverse reactions.

Is LipoNutra Effective – Does It Work

Although the ingredient list looks to include some pretty impressive natural slimming agents – the fact that are 9 ingredients does tend t dilute the formula. African Mango, Acai and Green tea are better tajen as standalone products.

Where To Buy LipoNutra UK

Exclusive to the official website, there is not a high street store Britain that supplies the product. Boots, Superdrug, Holland and Barrett or Tesco are not quoted as being on a  list of authorised stockists

Other Slimming Pill To Consider

Capsiplex – what can be said that hasn’t already been said about this natural fat burner. The best selling commercial non prescription slimming pill of the modern era.

Capsiplex (and now Capsiplex Plus) is the can help to burn 12x more calories – it now contains 5-HTP.

Read about Capsiplex


Super Fruit Slimming Pills

Super Fruits – Helping you lose weight faster

If you haven’t heard of superfruits then you’ve been missing out on a chance to boost your diet and lose weight a little faster too. Essentially superfruits are those fruits with high levels of fibre and macro-nutrients as well as being packed with antioxidants.

There are all sorts of unusual fruit that fall into the category, acai berries, goji, mangosteens and more. These are commonly found in health food stores, but there are more ordinary superfruits too, like raspberries, strawberries, pomegranates and blueberries, for example.

So how do they help with weight loss? Firstly, they are packed to the brim with fibre and fibre makes you full, so if you eat a lot of superfruits you’ll have less room for anything else. One of the most common problems that dieters face is feeling hungry, so superfruits will head this problem off at the pass.

Although acai is arguably the best known of the superfruit slimming pills – it is African Mango and Raspberry Ketonethat have been grabbing the the headlines recently, helped in no small part by TV celebrity Dr Oz.Two highly effective fat burning natural substances that should not be overlooked.

More about African Mango  More about Raspbery Ketone

Secondly they are low in calories. In the case of raspberries they are actually “minus calories” because you use up more energy eating and digesting them than you gain from the superfruit itself. This means you can snack when you need to, without compromising your weight loss regime.

Then, there’s the effect they have on your overall metabolic rate, it takes more effort for your body to burn through fibrous material than fats and sugars, and this speeds up your metabolism. That means that overall you’ll burn more calories in a day than you would have before. So superfruits help you shed pounds a little more easily without extra effort.

Superfruits are also rich in antioxidants and vitamins, which are vital for your body operating in tip top condition. If you want to achieve healthy weight loss, you’ll need to be feeling good to reduce the temptation to comfort eat. With a balanced approach to your superfruit consumption you’ll be able to take in fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E and also other minerals such as calcium, copper, magnesium and potassium.

As part of a sensible weight loss program, superfruits can help you lose weight faster and more easily than you would normally. On their own they aren’t a miracle cure, but combined with exercise and a truly balanced diet, superfruits offer the dieter an important extra tool for slimming down and feeling great.

There’s one last bit of good news when it comes to dropping dress sizes with superfruit, they taste great too.

Acai Plus – UK’s best selling Acai Slimming Supplement



African Mango IrvingiAppress

African Mango Slimming Pills

African Mango
is now available in the UK. The superfruit that can provide a slimming solution for the lazy has arrived after much anticipation and nothing short of hysteria on the other side of the Atlantic.

The American media have featured the benefits of African Mango after health evangelist Dr Oz claimed that it could help dieters lose 10lbs quite easily and described it as the “miracle slimming supplement in your bathroom cabinet.”

Dr Oz, for those aren’t familiar is Vice-Chairman and Professor of Surgery at Columbia University. He is also a renowned author of over 400 book connected to improving health. He has is own prime time TV show called rather aptly the Dr Oz Show. When he speaks America listens.

Buy African Mango UK

What Is African Mango

African Mango is similar in appearance to a normal mango. It is grown and harvested in Cameroon, West Africa. It is also known by its proper name Irvingia Gabonensis.

Although the outer skin and soft fleshy fruit is a high nutrition and vitamin source it is the seeds (Irvingia Gabonensis seeds) that are of most interest from a slimming perspective.

How Can African Mango Help You To Lose Weight

Clinical studies the world over for the past two decades have resulted in quite remarkable findings. Many independent trials have indicated that subjects who took African Mango on a regular basis lost on average 10lbs in their first month – without making any significant changes to lifestyle or dietary habits.

The major benefits include:

  • Burns excess body fat 
  • Suppresses appetite making you feel fuller quicker
  • Provides additional energy
  • Lowers cholesterol levels

Any Negatives Or Side Effects

There has been nothing reported of any great consequence – although pregnant or nursing mothers should consult with their doctor before usage.

Where To Buy African Mango In The UK

Not yet available to buy in the likes of Boots, Holland and Barrett or Tesco yet but can be purchased online from reputable stockists.

Perhaps the best example of an African Mango slimming pill we have seen is Evo Slimmings African Mango Advanced

Containing 2400mg of the active ingredient it is a dosage that not many other brands can boast.

More about African Mango Advanced

