Appesit Slimming Pill Review
The fat burner appears to be taking the limelight in recent months with severa; high profile product being released. Now it appears to be the turn of the appetite suppressant.
Along with fat burners and fat binders, appetite suppressant are considered by many to the be the ‘big three’ as far as slimming pill are concerned.
Appexit is a recent newcomer and includes tow ingredients that are certainly popular, namely Glucomannan and Chromium Picolinate.
How Does Appexit Work
It works by reducing the appetite, helping to restrict what you eat and ultimately helping you manage portion control
Suppressing the appetite and cutting back on calorie consumption is arguably the most effective way to sustained long term weight loss.
In a ideal world the recommended daily calorie intake for a woman is around 1800-2200, with 2200 to 2600 for men. if you try to keep as close to this as possible and your bathroom scales will make for goof viewing.
The two key ingredients that Appexit includes are:
- Glucomannan – is a bulk-forming fiber that when introduced to liquid, forms a gelatinous mass in your stomach. The mass expands in your stomach giving the impression and feeling of satiety or fullness.
- Chromax: enhances carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Can also reduce and restrict cravings for carb rich foods. Can Increase the breakdown of carbs and fats while regulating the metabolism
Can Appexit Cause Side Effects
Should not present any risk of side effect if the usage instructions are followed
Anyone with an existing health condition and pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their doctor prior to usage.
Does Appexit Work – Is It Recommended
The two ingredients in the formula are proven and widely used within the industry – unfortunately as far as Appexit is concerned the formula is not as strong or as interesting when compared to competitive products,
Where To Buy Appexit
Purchases are restricted to the official website.
Looking Elsewhere
If Appexit looks tempting then be very tempted by Nuratrim. Nuratrim has Glucomannan in its formula, the more effective of the two Appexit ingredients plus capsicum, green coffee and licorice extract.
Nuratrim can not only suppress appetite but also burn fat and reduce cholesterol.
More about Nuratrim