Isotori Curvelle For Women Review

Isotori Curvelle fat burner for womenIsotori latest diet pill is Curvelle – or Curvelle for women to give it its correct title. Marketed as natural weight loss for women and begs the question if its specifically aimed toward the female dieter is there anything hormonal present?

Other slimming pills brands have products geared towards gender such as Zotrin – Zotrin for Men and Zotrin For Women. The reality of this is that it could be just a case of marketing tactics.

Isotori are also responsible for Lean System 7 or LS7.

So What Is Curvelle

Curvelle (For Women) is a fat burner and like so many fat burners rely on the same ingredients. Curvelle however does include a little known ingredient called Razberi-K.

Does Curvelle Work

Curvelle controls sugar cravings and can have an effect on appetite – with the added bonus of burning calories. It also contains antioxidants that promote radiance and good vitality, hence the reason it is amied at women. It is beginning to sound like an all in one miracle diet pill.

Any Side Effects With Curvelle

Not much in the way of side effects – not much in the way of any effect – weight loss or otherwise.

Is Curvelle For Women Recommended

Not recommended – does tend to over hype. Fat burners are the least effective diet pill genre. Fat blockers and fat binders are far more effective.

Alternative Slimming Pills

Alli Fat BlockerAlli the new fat blocker is now available to buy over the counter.

Alli is a lower strength version of the prescription Xenical and available without prescription.

More about Alli
