Diabetes And Slimming

Weight Loss and Diabetes

Sliiming DiabetesDiabetes and weight loss are interconnected. Diabetes, a polygenic disease characterized by abnormally high glucose levels in the blood, makes the patient overweight.

Ninety percent of the diabetics are overweight. It is very difficult to lose weight when one is diabetic.

A diabetic should indulge in activities that maximize the burning of calories. Swimming, jogging, and biking give satisfactory results.

A diabetic has to control the diet to decrease the sugar level. By introducing fresh vegetables and fruits, diabetes can be checked, if not cured. Limiting the amount of salt and sugar will also help diabetics to live a healthier life.

New ways of losing weight with diabetes are being devised. Specialists are of the opinion that a diabetic should consume complex sugar.

This will enable the body to use more energy in breaking the complex sugar to simple sugar, the only form which can be absorbed by the body. As more calories are burnt, gradual weight loss will be noticed.

Controlling the amount of sugar will prevent both diabetes and overweight. Weight loss will neutralize the blood sugar level along with blood glucose.

Losing weight should be the foremost aim of the diabetic. Losing weight, which is one of the hardest things with diabetes, can control diabetes.

During diabetes damage of cells are caused because the resistance of the body for insulin increases. The faster the weight loss program begins, the more effective it is. Weight loss is increasingly necessary for the Type 2 diabetes.

There are some medicines that are prescribed the endocrinologist to control blood sugar level. These medicines have ingredients that help the patient to restrict the size of the portion and consequently in reducing weight.

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Why Do Women Want Size Zero

The Quest for Size Zero

Size Zero ModelDon’t most of us secretly nurture the desire for looking like the incredibly gorgeous models staring at us from a magazine page or walking the ramp?

As the world is witnessing obesity as a burning problem, the models and actresses are flaunting their ultra slim bodies.

Size zero is the smallest size of women’s clothing in the US.

Women all over the world are constantly bombarded with images of models and actresses who take pride in being ‘size zero’.

This has a dangerous impact on young minds that idolize these actresses and models.

Watching such slim bodies makes the viewers discontent and uncomfortable with the current size they are in.

Women are not leaving any stones unturned in acquiring size zero. Size zero boasts of a waist size of 24 inches, similar to that of a seven year old kid.

To acquire this size women are starving themselves to end. With one meal a day or may be going without that, women have set out on their quest for size zero.

In this dangerous quest women are surviving on liquid diet for days and end up fainting due to weakness. But the strong determination of transforming themselves into the smallest size makes them go further without food.

The craze for size zero has led to the introduction of size zero pills. Women are blindly adopting measures and overlooking the potentially fatal consequences.

The death of the 18 years old model from Uruguay, Luisel Ramos, and the banning of size zero in some Fashion Weeks are yet to shake us back to reality.

Slimming Pills And Pregnancy

Pregnancy and Slimming Pills

pregnancy and slimming pills dangersPutting on weight is one of the common occurrences during pregnancy. Apart from the baby’s weight, due to several other factors the mother herself can acquire some excess weight that may be difficult to get rid of even after the delivery.

Naturally, that creates a great concern for the mum-to-be.

Out of desperation and to keep themselves in proper shape and size, some women take refuge of slimming pills, without knowing the consequences.

Various studies have revealed that slimming pills can be the combination of various chemicals as well as natural herbal substances and some are not really safe for both the mother and her fetus. The fetus absorbs everything consumed by the pregnant woman. Hence taking diet pills can be dangerous for the baby.

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