Accomplix Slimming Pills

Accomplix Review

Accomplix slimming pillsThe manufacturers of Accomplix view their product as a new approach to weight loss.

If this truly is the case why is it that several ingredients taken from competing brands have been reformulated to produce something that cannot be classed as new.

The difference between dreaming and achieving is Accomplix – say the official website.

So, is Accomplix the new approach to weight loss and does the product work!

Which Slimming Pills are most effective – click to find out

What Is Accomplix

The official website states the ingredients pharmaceutical grade ingredients but without the need for a prescription. Lets have a look at the ingredients.

  • Hoodia Gordonii
  • Banana Leaf Extract
  • Clary Sage
  • Guggulsterones
  • Citrus Aurantium
  • Cinnamon Bark
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Magnolia Bark
  • Guarana Extract
  • Green Tea

Plus a few trace vitamins thrown in for good measure.

There does not appear to be anything remotley connected with pahramaceutical grade drug class ingredients.

Does Accomplix Work

There does not appear to be enough of any one ingredient to be beneficial to weight loss. There are elements aimed at fat burning and others aimed at appetite suppression.

The interesting ingredient is Hoodia Gordonii – anyone who vaguely familiar with the concept of this ingredient will understand that Hoodia is beneficial to weight loss via appetite suppression but only if enough of the raw powder is present in each capsule.

The simple fact that several other ingredients are combined would highlight that there is not enough Hoodia in each capsule to give any benefit.

Accomplix Side Effects

Unlikely to cause a side effect

Should I Buy Accomplix

Not recommended, this diet pill does not offer anything new.

Alternative Slimming Pills

PhenQPhenQ – the multi action fat burner, fat blocker and appetite suppressant that has received unprecedented media attention largely due to it ingredients that have been proven to burn body fat extremely rapidly.

PhenQ is arguably the most popular non prescription slimming pill in the UK, USA and mainland Europe.

PhenQ has a 60 day money back guarantee and can be shipped without a shipping cost anywhere in the world.

Will PhenQ work for me? – click to find out


ActiSlim Ultra

Actislim Slimming Pills Review

ActiSlim Slimming TabletsThere are some slimming pills that go overboard with the science in attempt to convince that their particular slimming product is a revolution in weight loss technology.

Then there are those that have built up a reputable brand through product recognition and customer feedback.

Then there is ActiSlim Ultra

The official website has relatively little by way of information as to how it works and what is contained in the formula. It seems enough to state that ActiSlim Ultra is a breakthrough formula!

So, What Is ActiSlim Ultra

Actislim is advertised as a 100% natural herbal slimming supplement under the brand name of Actislim ULTRA. It uses a combination of natural herbs, vitamins, minerals and plant extracts. To get the best results it is recommended (according to the official website) to:

  • Never miss the first meal of the day – Breakfast
  • Always take ActiSlim with water
  • Take part in regular exercise
  • Take ActiSlim at least 2 hours before going to bed

General common sense and certainly not revolutionary.

Side Effects Caused By ActiSlim Ultra

In general there are not many health concerns although the standard warning concerning the use of slimming pills (any slimming) if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Is ActiSlim Worth Considering

Not a slimming pill to pin your weight loss hopes to.

Looking Elsewhere

Recently, several slimming products have appeared on the shelves of health stores and supermarkets with various degrees of noteriety.

Two that have made the biggest impact are Alli and Appesat

Alli Slimming PillsAlli – based on the prescription only Xenical Orlistat, Alli can block a portion of dietary fat from food consumer.

Alli is commercially available and has been subject to huge marketing campaigns. More about Alli

Appesat Seaweed Slimming PillAppesat – coined the “Seaweed Slimming Pill” and produced from natural if not unusual ingredients.

Appesat can help make you feel fuller sooner and reduce the need and want to snack between meals. More about Appesat


Does Drinking Water Help Slimming

Drinking Water For Weight Loss

Slimming and drinking waterEven after doing lot of diet control and exercises you don’t fulfill the expected weight loss and you start getting frustrated.

Do you ever think that how much water you drink? Is it sufficient for you or less! Or you may think that how water intake affects your obesity?

Yes, indeed it affects!

60% of our body is water. It detoxifies our blood and purifies major organs like liver, kidney, lungs, and intestines. During the metabolic process kidney needs water to wash out the slack.


How effective is AlliAlli – the new over the counter slimming pill is now available in the UK.

But Does Alli really live up to expectation! – Read More


For lack of water it does not work properly and liver takes the additional workload of kidney making metabolism of our body affected. In this process, apprehending a draught in future, water gets stored in our body. Now if you can pump out this water you loose your weight.

How? Simple!

Drink more water so that your body never dreams a drought and dare to store water here and there.

Normally we should take 1.5 liters per day, add 1 more glass for the excess 12.5 KG body weight.

If you don’t have the habit for drinking more water you may feel uncomfortable in the beginning but slowly when your body gets habituated to take more water you don’t have to take the nature’s call frequently.

Along with the water you drink, the stored water will also start coming out slowly, and after certain period you will feel the effect reducing your obesity and weight.

As along with water toxins also comes out the blood also will be purified and it will reduce your blood pressure too. Not only that, your skin will be shiny as there will be no dehydration.

You will be able to work more in your work place as water will also dehydrate the muscles of your body.

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